April 15, 2008 .... NANO Evil III Revenge ... to the movies? .. Unfortunately is not ... the government!
In these days when I worked the polling station (No. 205 of the school in Florence A. Meucci, mythical!), looking at the faces of those who entered the voting booth, hearing the speeches of the people in the hallway, I asked myself many times: "And if we discovered that the ' Italy is a country without a bone made of people who think only of their own advantage even if it is a few cents? They just feel that it will pay 30 Euro for ICI in less than a year to put the cross on the symbol and slogan that would horrify ???"... said anyone did ... the nightmare, the burning question has been revealed as the worst prediction ever made ... the psycho-dwarf lies on us, and now it 'a terrible reality'!
In Italy the vote should not be extended to all adults. Should be a right only of those who know, who inquires, who has the ability to discern.
in truly democratic countries should not be 80 percent to vote. I have seen cards made with felt pen crosses perfectly on the mark, both right and left, that means not even know the basic rules of how to vote, let alone if you can have the ability to decide whom to send to a rule already in Italy shambles! I saw people enter the polling station, take the stamped ballot paper, to register the document and then promptly return the two empty cards without even entering the cabin and doing well in the theater, the scene "heroic" exclaims the happy face of the Boeotian " I do not vote and I want you to write the minutes, and if he wants to say this also because ... There's nobody who represents me !".... here, there would be a pretty good "BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO!" type zelig .... someone believe the story that if you do not vote and put on record and document recording anyway ballot, that vote does not go to anyone ... of course, but has the same value of blank or spoiled! So if those guys were in the cabin and then did what they wanted to do with the cards, + made a good impression! Or said they wanted to put on record their first non-vote, however, that the document is recorded and the ballot, only in this way did not go to anyone! But this is just another example of the ignorance of many who go to vote, the misinformation that exists, and is also yet another demonstration that people believe everything that anyone says, becoming ridiculous!
I repeat: the problem is our political ignorance (never talked about the qualifications that have nothing to do here), voters have an idea right or left politics, voters PDL (better, silvio) has no ideas .
Pongo a clear and simple question to you readers / Elettori...e really, seriously, I would like to know:
because of Italy's richest man, entrepreneur, (then a man of legitimate interest, when it 's contractor), with three television stations and seven newspapers, and powerful the media, with shadows (EUFEMISMO!) on its business conduct, which enhances a mobster's ex-employee who fails to recognize the history of Italy, its institutions, its rules, who became laws ad personam (delinquent in a free country), which already '2 TIMES ruled WITHOUT RESULTS (please evitaimo the tale of non-risolvitutto the work they have done) And 'WAS VOTED YET ?????!!!!!
And again let me say one last thing, something that perhaps will never understand, and I always turn to you, dear readers / voters ...
me it is incomprehensible how the Sicilians do not understand that you are clearly driven in a trap: How do you give the vote for years as a politician Berlusconi, who has only made promises and did not NEVER achieved anything for the South? We must always remember the Salerno-Reggio Calabria? Or the many rough roads of Sicily? The Strait Bridge is a red herring, to encourage subcontracting gestititi by mobsters to open sites that never begin to work years and years and will remain closed. And the waste?? Really believe that magically disappear? Sure ... maybe Silvio will put them under the foundations for the bridge over the Strait, at the bottom of the sea ... all the corpses of the mafia!
But how do you to listen to a politician Berlusconi as unreliable? What did you do in five years for Sicily? And think that now Bossi, true balance of power in the new government will favor them with his federalism?? What more need to open your eyes?? Will now be even poorer and more slaves than before. Excellent results Siciliani dear friends ...
However, while I am about to leave for Denmark, and who knows maybe I am convinced to stay there and win the eternal salvation from MONSTER-NANO! Everyone has the government it deserves .... just please do not complain!