After almost 3 months .... Here they are! After almost 3 months .... the Kiarina been able to find two minutes to send me pictures of my birthday this summer to Manduca! Yay .... never give up hope, I said it!;))
the magical world of "face book ".... There is a universe mysterious, the unknown (at least for me it was not until about a month ago ..), with a ridiculous name .... face book, translated into English facebook .... yes, this thing ... Hmmm ... how do I call ??... but yeah, let's call it even face book, I did meet virtually with friends, but especially today with so many people I had not seen and not heard in a lifetime! And I saw what effect drugs he has! Walk for hours to "brace" on your friends' profiles, looking for someone who has your same last name, to write the whole list in alphabetical order (if you remember) of your classmates from middle and high school to see ... see what happened to the people who commented on the photos, which becomes a "fan" of the most ganze, creating groups and writing comments to say hello .... legendary .. I'm losing valuable hours due to work-to-face book with me .... and also someone I know ... REAL ??????!!!!!.... mah ... it will be worrying about??
It is true that the world is changing ... its just not fall nell'ovvietà ... but it's true. Now we do not lose more sight, there can be found easily that even you know it ... oh my God, this is not always an advantage, sometimes not know how to get rid of a person you find her always around!
There is no longer the letter, the dedication you write in your journal, to print the photo and gifts to someone ... now everything is virtual, everything fast, I myself I write here are the first victim ... I kept a diary, now I have a blog, first printed the photos, now in the public blog, I keep on my computer, put them on a CD before I exchanged diaries with her friends to write dedications, now we write the e_mail or feeling on face book ... before I would send messages, it is now more use instant messenger or skype ... "Cate back after lunch ?"... 3 / 2 ... "no, I'm busy at work, I'll see you tonight "..." cate that ?"...." pitch tonight at 22.30 then you usually drink and Sunday around all'otel ok? "...." ok !"... and arrange in 2 seconds 2 nights .... not to mention the business side ... it is completely free! And in times like these .... it's no complaining, the world changes and we change with him, only to be hoped that there will always be in compliance with everything and everyone ... but for what I know There is work still ...
And speaking of technology advances that ... I'm leaving tomorrow, destination BIG APPLE ... crisis scenario weighs even there these days .... the important thing is that the crisis is not to me during the 9 hours and 1 / 2 plane ... A kiss ... Cate
Ps ah, I forgot ... HAVE FUN!