Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tampax Vs. Kotex Vs. Playtex Project


After the "historic" signing of the Start 2 treaty, the world is safer ...
in this synthesis is the sentence that reads on almost all newspapers and websites, signed between Obama and Medvedev made to cancel or at least take second place for a few days terrorism, Ahmadinejad, the Israeli nuclear and who knows what other hazards.
And then they set a ceiling of 1,550 nuclear warheads each ONLY! I think they're playing Risico, but if I was with 2 bombs wiped out cities, monuments and dreams and who knows how many lives, with 1550 +1550 what could be done??

The world seems not only safer but more hypocritical and in the hands of a few powerful and a lot of hotheads.

Luckily Israel does not go down to participate in these unnecessary ... I do not know how to call them, and with its military force has been monitoring the Middle East to the delight of Italy, USA and Worldwide, but maybe that newspapers and the Internet can not be said.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Large Mucus Lump Came Out Of My Nose

RIP - Radio Illusions Parallel


silenzioradio RIP after several days of wakes, and everything looks the same.
... But ...

Although not known yet, everything is different.

RIP in these four days of "emptiness" has gone through a sort of virtual mill which was a huge meeting of GlassBell, Berg, Tieffe ilFratus and, with the specific aim to draw conclusions from RIP and give a new direction.

During these months, RIP has had an incredible upward flight, and this has led to falling into the abyss Riper, too concerned with access, too interested in the schedule, too interested in doing the radio to the most famous.

RIP is not this, and above all he was not in the original project. So Riper you are armed with shovels, picks and TNT (which was also the background of the research) and began to dig, to find the true self of RIP.

They found (or at least I think) and in a few days you will see the new changes. But do not expect a schedule rich programs in the trend, do not expect even superfine organization, expect instead a radio truer, closer to our ropes ... a radio that sucks the marrow of life.

Saul -
RIP - Radio Illusions Parallel