Exactly one week ago, Wednesday, January 30, 2008, Mark & \u200b\u200bI have taken a day off and we were Abetone again this year to inaugurate our (indeed, my, since the gentleman in December had been skiing with friends!) winter!
The choice of simple and Wednesday for two good reasons: it costs much less than the daily pass for the whole district, and there's definitely less people on the slopes to break the balls! By now you know, skiing is more of a fashion for many in recent times that a passion and a sport, and the weekend unfortunately, the tracks are filled with pseudo-skiers, covered at all points, they do barely campino snowplow, that come at you because they do not know the curve and prefer to kill people, and that their favorite sport so far had to sit on the couch watching "good Sunday! But now it is fashionable to ski ... and so on ... all neveeee! What then are the same people who go for the first time in the snow have to buy the equipment, and spend millions for the real suit, skis, boots, gloves, helmet, and so on and so forth, without even knowing if you'll like this new experience but above all, without even knowing where to stick a boot to his ski!
However, Wednesday despite the weather was not the best, we skied up to 15.30, the snow was up to lunch in very good condition and mostly it was just me, Mark and the men of the plants! And this thing does not really !!... price for everything else ... oh well, never mind ..
I'll show you some pictures we made!
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