I admit, proud, have never been particularly intrigued by any of the songs of Sanremo, especially those that won, with rare exceptions (such as the year in which he won with Elisa " Light, "beautiful in my opinion ...).
Last night, while I was driving back home after a day's work, on the radio that they spent that won this year, some tuna and some Lola and I have heard for the first time when it is ... now in circulation, provided that the name of the two says it all, and also question the premise, "but who the hell are ????!!!", I wonder .... BUT HOW YOU DO IT? ?????? No I say, how do you call "Italian Song Festival," a program like this proposing certain songs I would definitely unlistenable?? I want to stress that it is my opinion, may very well not be shared, but let's face it, the Italian songs, Italian songs of the real and true Italian singers are quite different! There is a reason why the various Sugar, Vasco, Nannini (just to name a few of my favorites) do not go there, Noooooo ????!!!!! Tuna and Lola dear dear ... well back to where you came, for me your fool of you have already done.
Surely the winning song of Sanremo, will not appear in list of those to be heard in Porto San Giorgio (I hope!). Yes, because part of the morning the now famous "trip in the Easter Marches, and since our days to be scanned by most portable music played by of Jupiter & Marco, I sincerely hope that the people think they like me!
These three days will be full of spring weather ... yes, rain, wind and snow! Typical right? Okay come on, we leave, we are 10, there s'ha the right music, DVDs and food ... a way to pass the time we will find the same!
Photos and pearls of wisdom of these three days and tell you to publish on my return! Meanwhile
Happy Easter to everyone, but everyone!

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