Path: path No. 35.
Track details:
km: 9.3
time: 3 hours and 40 minutes
average value: 2.5 km / h
Departure at 8.30 from the sports ground of St. Peter;
Weather: partly Rain, wind from the SE, starting temperature at 15 °, 19 ° arrival.
few brief comments on the trail.
After passing through the granite quarry, it would need in here and there a bit of 'cleaning and some more trail, and even after the mill Moncione the situation remains essentially unchanged.
Slight improvement but after crossing the pit of hell where the trail diverts to basically north-west, more trail and in general more cleaning at least until you reach a short stretch of damp followed by dense ferns.
Continuing the rise among the arbutus, the trail approaches the sign and the trail near a wood near a Caprile, through a path of 200 meters, we can connect to 31 (GTE).
From this point, virtually all settled down, and clean enough signal at least until the junction for Seccheto (s. 37). Holding the right
Fetovaia (west) for about a mile, the trail is almost no obvious.
's just getting closer to a continuous series of switchbacks to a few hundred meters from the homes that things improve slightly, but it is only a brief respite for the last 250 meters to reach the tarmac of the main road is marked only by a battered upright trail a few meters away from parked cars.
Finally, 35 can be covered without any major problems, which are equipped with a map and not paying attention to the many trail and at the bottom sometimes a bit 'rough, but the first 4 miles (S. Piero / Vallebuia) not recommended for children .
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