"This is America," many say, the country of contradictions and though. The crazy fundamentalist country where Catholics and Muslims are killed for religious reasons and where a black president approves the construction of a mosque on Ground Zero, the country which was and still is the cradle of Reaganism and unbridled capitalism, but home to Marthin Luther King and Malcolm X.
Well, maybe this is America: land of intolerant and conservative thinkers from wide views. So, where if not here, could establish policy "control and tax the marijuana? slogan very powerful, which transmits security prospect of a peaceful and prosperous future, almost a hymn to conservatism, which encloses within the liberal arguments of a historical turning point. For nearly 15 years, cannabis sativa has been legalized for medical purposes in California and other American thirteen states, and since then the situation has evolved and dozens of agencies have sprung up selling it as the Sparc, where every citizen, subject to the limitation your doctor can buy marijuana, which is regularly shown on display at prices way below those of the market (think about it, $ 28 for 3.5 g of substance!) and eat it quietly at home or in the same "weed-point." <
The diseases for which this remedy may be used are varied, from simple "tummy ache" AIDS, glaucoma, neurological disease ... short, a miracle plant, and within reach. But it seems that now, after 15 years in California where the experiment took funds in state coffers, the American state is ready for the big jump: the full legalization of cannabis.
In November, citizens will vote in a referendum and, if they win the SI, all the inhabitants of this prosperous area "free" American can enjoy the benefits of a drug whose effects are underestimated in the West and unfortunately, and enrich the terrace of green plants, will enrich the coffers the state of green notes given the obligation to pay a contribution to the tax authorities. The predictions of the outcome is still too risky, but even now, we feel that we side with the anti-prohibitionist wing that brought the referendum, we hope that in Italy some day or other things to change and the citizens can be free to smoke a joint of marijuana or hashish without the sad end of Bianzino Aldo (who died in prison for possession of two plants).
"Doctors smoke it, Nurses smoke it, smoke it Judges. Legalize it. That's the best thing you can do. "(Peter Tosh)
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