Black clouds hovering at Palazzo Grazioli. The trust enjoyed by the majority party, it seems to be waning, but also increases the discontent and intolerance towards the loyal citizens of the premier. intolerance more than justified, if you look at the events, facts and reforms have emerged in recent years. August 30
When Senator Dell'Utri could not speak at the Book Fair Como, seemed to be a random and unexpected event, but only four days after it was the turn of the President of the Senate Schifani, in Turin was overwhelmed by boos and screams that chanted "Ma-fio-so!" . And then you can list the names of Bonanni (head of the CISL union, prefers long sided with employers' and workers rather than powerful) in Turin has not even had time to pick up the microphone , and why not, the Minister Maroni League objected to by some Ultras Bergamo decided to say no to the card's fan.
So, it seems that Italian citizens have grown tired of being subjected to the choices of these politicians and not represented by the opposition forces , have chosen to organize themselves by stopping the conference of government leaders.
What's more the facts listed above, just in These days will be held in Bologna (the very city that the people in government have always feared, and will not appear on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the massacre of August 2) the party's regional PDL. Guests of honor are the ministers Brunetta, La Russa, Bondi and Gelmini. And since Sept. 6, the initiative did not start well, with the resignation of mayoral candidate Mazzucca and the flat rate of sudden Brunetta. Meanwhile, a growing fear of protest on Friday when, in Piazza XX Settembre will present the much-hated and challenged education minister. This year not only students but also parents and teachers decided to meet to give a warm "welcome" to the sound of whistles and screams. Thus was born web initiative which, to date, involving over 1200 people .
Maria Stella Gelmini, like other men of the PDL, knows that his economic policy of cuts, designed to destroy public schools and make "precarious" the present and the future of more than a generation, has learned the angry, greasy Bologna and red to beyond the limits of endurance, and so Berselli got their hands on, make sure a possible refuge Jolly hotel, but the mere presence of the minister is still in doubt.
Meanwhile, other events are held throughout Italy and it seems that in Cagliari, where he is awaiting the September 20, are preparing "host small parties."
Waiting to see what the outcome of that sad chapter of the Berlusconi era that seems to be running out, made it known to the Gelmini Bologna "He would not receive the precarious hunger strike, should be ashamed. Now we will not want to receive you. "
UNSTOPPABLE Matthew" Ciccio "Lupoli
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