Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Can I Put Orajel Inside Condom

Draw 2 cards go ... 4 or 5!! Elio e le Storie Tese

E 'time, on this warm spring day (finally!), I am going to tell the Easter trip this year, obviously in Porto San Giorgio (Where else?) Otherwise I could tell you again next Easter!
So let's see .... from these three days "out of town" I found one thing above all, one thing that if you do not live, if you do not like St. Thomas' seeing is believing ", you will never admit, namely, that a simple deck of cards" A "The game par excellence, has two extremely strong powers as varied as has the ability to aggregate and at the same time to break! Incredible ... But let's be clear.
Since time is not your friend, which is characterized by a "cold pig" and a " rain on the verge of blasphemy" with a few drops of "snowstorm plagued fen" in 3 days our exits home were limited to stroll Saturday afternoon for the country style tour of Villa Donatello, to digest the first binge and to stretch his legs a little after 4 hours of travel, and a dinner in a seafood restaurant by the sea on Sunday night of Passover. But as they say, not all silver lining!
And so, since this thing we knew, thank God they invented the weather and thank God we know now when someone Owl (Mark type that Saturday afternoon is "look at that ass ... . it does not rain! !"... so it was always in the rain forest it rained less from that time ...), we had prepared very carefully our games to do at home, papers and quizzettoni different, our laptops loaded with music and our car full of stuff to eat (including pastiera Neapolitan made by the mother of Lucy!).
The first game of UNO back to Sunday after lunch, after a disappointing Saturday night with the game of quizzettone, questions are too simple for advanced minds how to respond to our (!!!)....( a question about the Seven Dwarfs, we asked the public's help ... to let you know who I'm dealing with!).
After having got much taste, the challenge is continued on Sunday evening, returning from dinner with fish and white wine, we settled down on our chairs and we have each given rise to the challenge. Now, At first I thought it was good ol 'white wine that easily gives the head to make it "bizarre" we say, then I found that instead ... we are the ones with holes as the terraces! .... I saw scenes that even the comic! Looks of challenge, provocations, black cards with +4 flying left and right, sometimes three in a row! And then "our rules", invented on purpose to make the game even more pissed off! Like the one that says "if you complain and then check to see if you're right, take two cards!", Or one that has made more victims than ever "can throw the paper, although not up to you enough that you've got the same color and the same number of what he has thrown before you! Obviously you do not have to anticipate the shift from what else you take 2 cards!. "And then" you can not take two cards suggest otherwise "," if you do not know if it's your turn, you count to 3 and then if do not throw draw 2 cards "and" if you fail to throw the paper and this touches the deck takes two cards. "In short, a veritable frenzy! And every challenge was worse, because it was what it was to avenge the other, what would stop the game because it's not one thing and returned to duty was defamed by all, fished and of course, what follows from the laugh could not understand most of those who had to throw a shit and could not remember if it was him or not ... and on time 2 go cards! people gather in the hands of dozens of papers and did not even know why!
One of the most beautiful scenes was when Clare has thrown 2 cards in a row (by our rule that if you have the same number and color you can throw together enough that you do not anticipate, Art. Bisssse 1!) And Matte him "But Clare, you should take two cards because you throw it too close and people do not have the time to anticipate, so do not count!" the crowd in that case has ruled in favor of Matthew Lawrence and at that point, self-appointed judge, he blurted out "is actually true, why do not you put the rule you have to throw a card, then bring your arm back, count to 2 ... so ... .. 1 and 2 and then throw the other, "and clear" yes, we also do that after pulling on my arm and I also counted up to 2 stratcing, I smell the armpit and then I can even throw, eh ??!!!" ... . the rest you can imagine!
short, it was so funny that no one has ever done before 3:30 at night and play, it was a miracle that did not call the police!
Monday afternoon before go away, the sentence was clear of this "way, another couple of games rifacciamole, is a little mica in friendship so I left!" and the response of Jupiter "is but the next time you are bringing back the lawyer and who does not have it, it takes a office ".
Even today still bear the marks of that experience, sentences on IM such as" What shall I do, draw 2 cards ??... go .. 4 ", and our conversations begin with "Hello! Then, the pe 'start fishing a little card ...".
short, 3 days is too funny, worthy response to the bad weather ...
I want to play again ... A

How ??... Want to see photos? ... mmmh ... here ... the pictures were made by the Lucy who is not a digital camera and then nada, and Mark but they have a few, just 4 or 5 because I did otherwise I had not even remembered that he had not brought my camera .... We have never actually left ... and then there's a video that will save where it's me, the clear and lucy that you can dance the song of the cartoon "Pollom" ... hoping that this will not end well on youtube !
.... oh well ... that kr, draw 2 cards?


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